Judge Executive

As the chief executive of the county, the Judge Executive is responsible for the execution of all ordinances and resolutions of the fiscal court, all contracts entered into by the fiscal court and all state laws subject to enforcement by the Judge Executive or by officers under supervision of the Judge Executive. This includes administration of county government as well as keeping the fiscal court informed of the operations of county departments, boards and commissions.
The Judge Executives responsibilities for the financial administration of the county have grown. Preparation of the county budget, oversight of and administration of county funds as approved by the fiscal court and quarterly financial reporting to the fiscal court, state local finance officer and the public, are all duties of the judge/executive.
With fiscal court approval, the county Judge Executive has the authority to appoint, supervise, suspend and remove county personnel. The Judge Executive must assure representation of the county on all boards, commissions, special districts and multi-county programs in which the county must participate. Statutes also direct that the judge/executive be a member of various boards and commissions.
Other powers and responsibilities of the office of county Judge Executive include administering oaths of office, and inspection of the jail and approval of prisoner participation in community service related projects. The Judge Executive must also support and participate in promotion of economic development in the county, preservation of historic structures and conservation, preservation and enhancement of natural resources. The Judge Executive is a member of and presiding officer of the fiscal court and may call special meetings in addition to regularly scheduled meetings of the court.
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Sarah Steele